I seldom quote hadiths, in the light of what is transpiring now, this is aptly so.
In Malay:-
Abu Hurairah RA meriwayatkan Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Akan tiba pada manusia tahun penuh kebohongan. Saat itu, orang bohong dianggap jujur. Orang jujur dianggap bohong. Pengkhianat dianggap amanah. Orang amanah dianggap pengkhianat. Ketika itu, orang Ruwaibidhah berbicara.” Ada orang bertanya: “Siapa Ruwaibidhah itu?” Nabi menjawab, “Orang benak yang menguruskan urusan umum.” (HR Ibnu Majah)
In English:-
Abu Hurairah RA narrated that Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah SAW said: “There will come to mankind a year full of lies. At that time, liars were considered honest. Honest people are considered liars. Traitors are considered trustworthy. Trustworthy persons are considered traitors. At that time, the people of Ruwaibidhah spoke. " Someone asked: "Who is Ruwaibidhah?" The Prophet replied, "People full of folly who manage public affairs." (HR Ibn Majah)
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