Pudu Prison, once the cell of the notorious Wong Swee Chin aka Botak Chin until the day of his execution, is now Bukit Bintang City Centre or Lalaport which has been developed by UDA and Ecoworld Bhd. It boasts 7 storey of shopping mall - Japanese lifestyle. It was officially opened on Thursday 20/1/2022. Many quarters have stories to tell about this eerie prison site. Moreover, the spot is deemed to be among the most haunted in this country, just you should know...scary eh? 👻 but I guess our Japanese counterpart is already accustomed to ghostly encounters as it created scenes like the Ring, Dark Water, Grudge etc...gee wiz!
The word batik is thought to be derived from the word ' ambatik' which translated means 'a cloth with little dots'. The suffix ' tik' means little dot, drop, point or to make dots. Batik may also originate from the Javanese word ' tritik' which describes a resist process for dying where the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing areas prior to dying, similar to tie dye techniques. Another Javanese phase for the mystical experience of making batik is “ mbatik manah ” which means “drawing a batik design on the heart” Until today, the batik’s true origin is still a mystery but what is sure is that batik is a very old form of art. Evidence of early batik has been found in the Middle East, Egypt, Peru, Japan, East Turkistan, Europe as well as India and China (Central Asia) 2000 years ago. Despite its ambiguous origins, batik reached its highest artistic expression in South East Asia, particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia. In the 17th c...
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