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Showing posts from February, 2021


The artist of this painting is a 9th grader Ajunath Sindhu Vinayala of Trissur, Kerala, India. He painted this because his father continually introduced his mother as "she is just a house wife, she doesn't work". Ajunath was surprised because he never saw his mother idle, so he painted this to depict his mother's daily routine and showed it to his teacher who sent it to the state govt office where it got selected as the cover for the 20 - 21 gender budget document. An all-rounder, a multitasker and versatile woman without a shadow of a doubt.  (8th March 2021 is the International Women's Day) 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

Life Little Musings

A little recount of this distintly famous batter bowl. Over the past hundred years or so, almost every object in the domestic kitchen has been adapted to changing needs and fashions of society. But there is one object that is almost unchanged since it was first made over a century ago. The mixing bowl. Not just any mixing bowl – but THE mixing bowl, the one that almost every house in the country has. The one that appears on every cookery programme and in every photograph of a modern kitchen, mason-cash-mixing-bowls-shot.  Yes, that generic mixing bowl in a familiar cream colour with a bit of a pattern around the outside that almost everyone owns is not just some random object churned out in their millions in some dusty part of China, but is a 112 year old design classic, and is still made by the same English pottery company. It is sentimental indeed.  - Hand Mixer v Stand Mixer - Are you all mixed up and wondering: hand mixer versus stand mixer – does it really mat...