It tells the struggle between Larry the Liquidator (Danny Devito), the Manhattan-based predator, and Jorgesen (Gregory Peck in his final feature film role), the salt-of-the-earth president of New England Wire & Cable. Larry, who already owns a chunk of the company’s stock, decides that it’s undervalued. The way to make a killing is to get rid of the wire & cable division, which is running at a loss, and keep everything else. Jorgesen, defending the livelihood of his employees, won’t hear of it. Undaunted, Larry starts the proceedings that will lead to a hostile takeover. Jorgesen brings on board his daughter Kate, a high-priced New York lawyer, to defend his company. She visits Larry and turns on the charm. He is smitten but being in love isn’t enough to derail his business interests. Most importantly, we have the clash of two men whose worldviews could not be more opposite—the sentimental communitarian Jorgesen, and Larry, the cunning but mildly conscientious c...