Today marks the 1st day of Shawal according to the Lunar Hijri in that after a month of fasting, the act of worship ended in jubilant despite some inevitable flaws. This year Eid is celebrated in a manner which is very different from the past. Prayers are conducted at home, food is served just within our means as the number of guests is restricted to 20 or less in a house at one time and interstate traveling is prohibited. Face mask, sanitizer and stagger visiting are making their presence in staying safe and well from the ongoing bizarre outbreak. One thing for sure may it brings a good cheer to everyone despite the limitation. When all is said and done home is where you are, it is an anchor, a port in a storm and a refuge. God Bless. 🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥🍥